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     Toserof has a long history extending back long before its founding in 2008.  The land was first settled by a Norwegian family in the 1840s.

     The family suffered immensely during the cholera outbreak in 1850, and a grave was erected just outside its borders.




     Toserof is a constitutional monarchy led by Kings James and Frederick Arthur.

     All Toserof citizens may vote, however residential citizens make up 50% of the country's voting power to prevent malicious foreign interference.


Read more about our government >>


     Much of Ovotin mythology comes from stories imagined by Prince James in his youth.  When the doccuments were lost, some of the stories were re-written, which is why we have different versions.  Some of the most popular stories in Ovotin Mythology are those of the representatives of the six Houses, the Myroyo, the Erida Filowo, the Yurilafo, the Leliso and Nadito-Sabeso, and the Lefitosako. 

     Some of these creatures have multiple stories about them, but some main element of them relate to their House's beliefs.  For example, the story, "Lelis and the Nadito-Sabeso" doesn't have much to do with the House of Lelis's belief about not ignoring the truth, but the creatures themselves do.  The Leliso is an omen, and an omen must not be ignored.

     Other stories, like "Thiwa Filowos" and "Miroyo and the Dragon Heart" have a very clear connection to their House's beliefs.

     Beyond these five core creatures, there are dozens of other creatures and myths in Ovotin culture, which you can read about here >>


     There are several important Ovotin holidays, which you can read about here >>

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